Saturday, 3 August 2013

Going Live

When I decided to give this singing malarkey a crack about eighteen months ago, there were those around me who made whisperings in my ear about things like business cards, websites and the like.  If I say I didn't envisage needing those things it makes me sound like a bit of a pessimist, as if I didn't foresee any degree of success - that's not strictly true.  I just think it's easier for others to be practical and pragmatic; I don't see what they see and don't know that I ever will or am supposed to.

I digress.

Yesterday I had a meeting with the generous friend who has worked on my website over several months and as I sat there watching her take me through it on her laptop I got quite excited.  My sister is responsible for all the design work too, so it's been quite a labour of love for our little trio.  All being well the site should go live this coming Monday.

I've no idea what impact the website will have.  There are the obvious things like it'll give people a chance to hear my music, learn a little about me as a person, find this blog, but I do find myself wondering whether there will be any significant increase in gigging.  It could be a slow burner, but I'd rather things be steady.  A kind of hare / tortoise approach.

We shall see.

In the meantime, get your ears around this, it's put me in a fabulous mood this morning.  Hope it does the same for you: